Still on the Spotters Day BA5… we received the link for José António Monte (España) photos on the event at …
Gracias Hombre!
Some spotting notes ...
Red Bull Air Race 2009 - Porto Gaia – 12 – 13 September – some military movements noted were …
Based at AM1 Maceda, Ovar, were,
Esquadra 103 Alphajets – four ship formation included nos. 15208 / 15220 / 15250 / 15227 all in Asas c/s (flew on both days)
Esquadra 802 Chipmunks – nos.1335, 1315, 1339, 1306
The aerobatic Team Rotores de Portugal, received the honours of closing the aerial activities of the event, with a demonstration with SE.3160 Alouette III’s nos. #1 19383 #2 19302 #3 19298 (reserve 19368). All arr. AM1 Ovar on the 11th, were noted also operating from RBAR Temp Runway.
The Força Aérea Portuguesa participated with several flyby of two F-16's from Base Aérea nº5, in Monte Real. On the 12th with a/c nos. 15104 and 15134, and on the 12th with a/c nos. 15107 and 15112.
Noteworthy the presence of FAP’s mobile Recruiting Center (CRM) on the static display at the Temporay Runway with SE.3160 Alouette III no.19372 “Helizangão” on display.
Based at the RBAR Temporary Runway
EHM's Super Lynx Mk.95 nº 19203 "Pirate" mks - arr. 10th dep. 13th
Display pilot - Co. Matos e Silva
During the displays all the Alouette III’s were based here …
Noted at OGMA on the 16th September - C-130 61-PH, 61-PJ, 61-PG FAF; C-130 31-02 EdA; C-130 114 LibianAF; 3x P-3 FAB (FA Brasil); F-16 15109 FAP; 2x F-16 MLU’s FAP (yellow primer o/a); ERJ-135 K3602 IAF (FA India); C-130 TL-KNK FA Republica Centro Africana; ALIII TT-OAH FA Chad ; C-212-300 17202 (sn460) FAP; C-130 TS-MTG/21117 (FA Tunisia); SA330 CPW, DDK, BZF + 2 Pumas Armée de Terre (França);
C130 9J-BTM all white, no titles; C-130 T; C-130 TR-KKC (FA Gabão); C-130 16802 e 16805 FAP; ERJ-145 3C-QQH (Governo Guiné Equatorial); ERJ-135 CE-01 (FA Bélgica); ERJ-145 EI-DKH Lagunair ; ERJ-145EC-KSS Lagunair; ERJ-145 G-RJXA British Midland ; ERJ-135 Legacy PT-SEF China Sonangol ; ERJ-135 Legacy PT-SEP China Sonangol;
SA-330 Puma 70.000 Flight Hours/40 years os operation
On September 24th 2009, took place at Base Aérea nº4, Lajes, in the Azores Archipelag, the official ceremony marking the 1st year of operation of the Esquadra 752 and the SA-330 Puma, after the rebirth of this fleet in Operação Fénix (Operation Phoenix).
This is also the time for unveiling the Puma nº19504 in the 40 years/70.000 flight hours commemorative colour scheme.
On this date the Esquadra 752 received a commendation from the Força Aérea Portuguesa Chieff-of-Staff, Gen. Luís Araújo, for the extraordinary performance of the unit during one year of operation, recognizing the spirit of sacrifice, and high mission spirit of all its personnel.
The Esquadra 752 mantained during this period a operational capability above the required standard, registering an average of over 65 flight hours available per day, and an operational readiness above the FAP average, and an operational effectiveness of 78%.
The Esquadra 752 totalized during this year (24 September 2008 – 24 September 2009) over 863 flight hours, over 510 of wich in operational missions, logging 114 inter-islands medical evacuations, 9 medical evacuations over sea, and 8 search and rescue missions. The remaining flight hours were logged in general transport missions, training and testing after maintenance.
This totals reflect 1698 transported passengers, 129 patients, and 9 patients from ships, and near to 10.700kg of cargo.
The Esquadra 752 “Pumas” primary mission is the conduction of search and rescue missions, and as secondary missions the medical evacuation and aerial transport in general.
Currently the Esquadra 752 is composed of 42 servicemen, and operates a fleet of four SA-330S1 Puma helicopters.

Helicopter Fest 2009
On October 3rd last, took place at Air Base 11, in Beja, organized by the Esquadra 552 “Zangões”, the 2009 edition of the “Helicopter Fest”.
Following a tradition started five years ago, this year, in a slightly smaller program of events, the unit paid hommage to Esquadra 703 “Vampiros” (1970-1974).
This unit holds the traditions and history of all the helicopter units, having paid hommage in previous years to the Esquadra 94 “Moscas” (2004), Esquadra 503 “Índios” (2005), Esquadra 122 “Canibais” (2006), Esquadra 402 “Saltimbancos” (2007).
Announced during the course of the activity was the starting of a project that intends to compile data for a book on the history of the SE.3160 Alouette III in FAP service, helicopter that reached this year the mark of 46 years in service! The theme of the book is in fact the 50 years of service of the Alouette III in FAP, a mark it may be closer to reality that one might thing, given the fact that the type is expected to operate until 2013.
Contacts for the book project,
“Projecto Livro 50 anos Alouette III”
TenPILAV João Conde
Tel. 284314579
e-mail: jgilconde@hotmail.com
TenPIL Ricardo Nunes
Tel. 284314579
e-mail: rfrnunes@gmail.com

Aircraft noted during the Helicopter Fest 2009
Gate Guards – 1951 T-33AN; 2610 T-38A; 20+99 F-104G; 15248 Alphajet (on gardem by Comand building)
Esquadra 552 – SE.3160 Alouette III’s
19298 operational – Rotores de Portugal nº1; 19302 operational – Rotores de Portugal nº2;
19304 maintenance; 19312 maintenance; 19340 operational (Rotores reserve); 19356 operational;
19368 maintenance; 19372 displayed (by flightline); 19377 maintenance; 19383 operational – Rotores de Portugal nº3; 19401 maintenance (main hangar); 9218 Alouette II (displayed by flightline)
In front of Esquadra 552 building is displayed the front part of Alouette III nº‘9254’. This is not the real number, it is made out of parts of several helicopters and represents the first Alouette III to fly in the African Collonies.
LIA IGFA compound
Alouette III no.9391; Cessna T-37 no.2415; Fiat G.91R/4 no. 5433; Fiat G.91R/3 no.32+38; remains of T-6G no.1774;
Outside the hangar known as “factory” were
A-7P fuselages nos. 5513, 5528, 5538, 5539
T-38A’s 2602, 2612, 2606 (inside hangar)
T-33A’s 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1919, 1924, 1927, 1928 ,1929

During the visit of GAMA (see previous post) the following notes were taken at BA11 Beja,
Esquadra 601 / P-3 Orion – 14803 noted wfu; 14805 noted operational; 14807 noted operational; 14808 noted operational; 14809 noted maintenance; 14810 n/n; 14811 noted operational;
Esquadra 103 / Alphajet A (only visited one hangar) – 15202 AdP AdP c/s; 15206 AdP c/s mnt; 15208 AdP c/s; 15211 Snail c/s; 15220 AdP c/s; 15226 w/a c/s mnt; 15227 AdP c/s; 15232 AdP c/s mnt – noted wingless; 15236 w/a c/s; 15250 AdP c/s;
Esquadra 552 / SE.3160 Alouette III – 19298; 19312 maintenance; 19376 maintenance (GV); 19340; 19383 mnt; 19401 maintenance (GV);
Also noted in one of the former hangars of Esquadra 101, the “collection” of the base, T-38A no.2606, Alphajet A no.15247; Alouette II no.9218; Alouette III no.19372; and T-33 no.1930.
All the gate guards, and previously reported stored a/c were on the same place as before.

Noteworthy the “operational status” of the website www.smokeon.net and www.smokeonphoto.blogspot.com/, both projects of Floriano Morgado, a talented aviation photographer.
And also Francisco Piqueiro at http://www.fotoengenho.pt/
WCCAFF [http://walkarounds-ccadf.blogspot.com/]
More interesting stuff from this blog related to the Walkarounds site, keep on checking it out …
Speaking of being operational, don’t forget to visit Operacional at www.operacional.pt with the latest on our military forces!
Thanks to: Eduardo Cruz; Floriano Morgado [www.smokeon.net]; José A Monte; Nuno Martins [http://walkarounds-ccadf-blogspot.com]; Martins Rulfs; Miguel Silva Machado [www.operacional.pt]; Luís Gonçalves; Cor.Albano Fernandes [GAMA]; Francisco Piqueiro [www.fotoengenho.pt]