Aerotranstornados No.19 - Spotting Notes
(9 August – 11 November 2011)
In the Jardim Gil Eanes, near the train station was noted on 9 August 2011, FIAT G.91R/3 exWGAF nr. 32+83, (c/n 91-553).
PORTIMÃO (airfield)
On the Aeródromo Municipal de Portimão [GPS: 37° 8'51.67"N 8°34'47.32"W] is based the aerial work company Aero Algarve, its owner, Mr. Kenneth Tomsett, has a small collection of historical aircraft,
Yakovlev Yak-50 Reg. RA-3219K (c/n1374)
DHC1 Chipmunk T.10 reg. G-BPAL (c/n DHB.f.299)
Built in 1951, was delivered to Royal Air Force in 20 July 1951 (register WG350), sold to the civil market in February 1975 and registered as G-BCYE in March 1975. Was registered G-BPAL in October 1986, by the current owner.
DHC1 Chipmunk Mk.20 reg. G-CHPI (c/n OGMA 14)
Still in the process of restoration in the original colors, the “Chippi 1334” has already the register G-CHPI. This aircraft was built by OGMA in 1956 (c/n 14), and saw operational service with FAP until 1995 as FAP no. 1334. Latter was offered to Aero Clube de Portimão, and a few years ago bought by its current owner.
MONTIJO, Base Aérea n.6
(notes from Walkarounds visit on the 25th October 2011)
Esquadrilha de Helicópteros de Marinha / Westland Super Lynx Mk.95
19201 – dismantled
19202 – in maintenance (Bacardy Flight mks.)
19203 – in maintenance (Fénix Flight mks.)
19204 – operational (Bacardy Flight mks.)
19205 – n/n currently embarked (Fénix Flight)
Esquadra 401 “Cientistas” / CASA C-212-100/C-212-300MP Aviocar
16505 C-212 – n/n at AM3 [DAM]
16510 C-212 – wfu/stored
16513 C-212 – operational
16517 C-212 – wfu/stored – special c/s
16521 C-212 – wfu/stored
17201 C-212-300MP - operational
17202 C-212-300MP – operational
(all aircraft noted inside hangar)
Esquadra 501 “Bisontes” / Lockheed C-130H/C-130H-30 Hercules
16801 C-130H-30 – n/n on mision at BA4 – noted latter on the day landing at Lisbon AIP
16802 C-130H-30 – in maintenance
16803 C-130H – operational [grey c/s]
16804 C-130H – waiting 3rd echelon maintenance [several mission mks.]
16805 C-130H – operational
16806 C-130H-30 – in maintenance [grey c/s]
Esquadra 502 “Elefantes” / EADS CASA C-295M/C-295
16701 – operational
16702 – n/n at BA4 [DAA]
16703 – n/n at BA4 [DAA]
16704 - operational
16705 – operational [SAR Alert]
16706 - operational
16708 [VIMAR] -
16709 [VIMAR] – in maintenance
16710 [VIMAR] - operational
16711 [VIMAR] -
16712 [VIMAR] - operational
Esquadra 751 “Pumas” / Agusta Westland EH-101 Merlin
19601 –
19602 -
19603 - operational
19604 -
19605 – operational - SAR Alert
19606 -
19607 – [SIFICAP] –
19608 – [SIFICAP] – operational
19609 – [CSAR] -
19610 – [CSAR] – operational
19611 – [CSAR] - operational
19612 – [CSAR] –
Other aircraft noted on the base were,
3303 MH1531 Broussard – in restoration (inside C-212 hangar)
5404 FIAT G.91R/4 – near Esq401 building
5447 FIAT G.91R/3 – CTSFA compound
5453 FIAT G.91R/3 – tail section
5463 FIAT G.91R/3 – Gate Guard
14802 Lockheed P-3P – wfu - stored in taxiways W of tower.
Note – aircraft noted with DAA or DAM are, Destacamento Aéreo dos Açores, at BA4 Lajes, and Destacamento Aéreao da Madeira, at AM3 Porto Santo.
MACEDA, Ovar, A.M.1, 29-30 October 2011
Gate Guard is the LTV A-7P Corsair II nº15504.
Museu do Ar branch at AM1 has a continuously growing collection of aircraft and artifacts, being noted at this time the,
3548 Auster D.5/160
16503 CASA C-212 exEsq502 (NAVTR a/c)
2427 Cessna T-37C exEsq102 / Asas de Portugal c/s
1309 DHC1 Chipmunk exACTV/CS-AZR (arr.September - to be rebuilt/displayed)
15246 Dornier Alphajet A exEsq103/301
5452 FIAT G.91R/3 exEsq301 / Tiger c/s
15545 LTV TA-7P Corsair II exEsq304
2608 Northrop T-38A Talon exEsq103
3208 Piper Cub exACP/CS-ALN
13710 Reims FTB-337G exEsq505
This Museu do Ar branch is accessible either asking permission to the Museu HQ at Sintra or, by asking to access at the gate, from 10H to 16H (except if any operation/detachment is going on at the moment).
On SAR Alert duties ws SE.3160 Alouette III no. 19356 from Esquadra 552 “Zangões”.
Out of public sight is still the SE.3160 Alouette III no.19314 stored inside one of the rooms of the North hangar, which is in a process of being rebuilt for static display.
MONTE REAL, BA5, 10 November 2011
Gate Guards are,
5301 NA F-86F Sabre exEsq201
15524 LTV TA-7P Corsair II exEsq304
‘15150’ LM F-16A (83-1090)
Near the Gate were present,
1918 Lockheed T-33A
2609 Northrop T-38A
5347 NA F-86F Sabre
5454 FIAT G.91R3
15521 LTV A-7P Corsair II
Inside the hangar nearest to the Gate was the ‘15100’ LM F-16A (82-0936).
Also noted on the base, recently arrived from S. Jacinto, the FIAT G.91R/3 positively identified as being c/n 91-306, thus exWGAF ED+106, BD+601 and later 30+49. This aircraft is being used at the base as ABDR.
OTA, CFMTFA, 10 November 2011
Gate Guard,
5201 Republic F-84
CFMTFA-NMA (outside hangar)
2401 Cessna T-37C
2407 Cessna T-37C
2414 Cessna T-37C
FIAT G.91R3 c/n 91-555
15506 LTV A-7P Corsair II
14804 Lockheed P-3P GIA (used by firemen school) [in taxiway near to runway]
2611 Northrop T-38A
CFMTFA-NMA (inside hangar)
15249 Dassault Alphajet A
1328 DHC1 Chipmunk Museu do Ar - being transformed into a flight simulator for the Academy
FIAT G.91R3 c/n 91-1-0057
1806 FIAT G.91T3 Museu do Ar – being dismantled for transport to Alcochete.
3707 Reims FTB-337G
9379 SE.3160 Alouette III
Museu do Ar
3x Beech C-45 (possibly the nos.2513, 2515, 2516)
‘3480’ Dornier Do27
2x Republic F-84 (possibly nos. 5176 and 5187)
All this aircraft are awaiting transport to Alcochete, and were noted here in open storage in the taxiway in front of the location here the hangars 1 and 2 used to be …
ALVERCA (city), 11 November 2011
In a roundabout called Praceta do Avião, at the center of Alverca, practically in front of Igreja dos Pastorinhos, is Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain (c/n 31-7752159). The latest registration was CS-AVM, of TAC Air Centro, and the previous ones were N37339, G-BFDB and N503SC. Had been for many years at Tires wfu.
ALVERCA, DGMFA, 11 November 2011
Gate Guard,
2411 Cessna T-37C
14801 Lockheed P-3P wfu/stored near control tower
Open storage compound included the 4x FTB-337G’s (13704, 13706, 13711, 13732), and 8x T-37C’s (2402, 2403, 2404, 2406, 2421, 2425, 2426, 2428), and the 3xG.91’s (1804, 5472, 5473).
ALVERCA, Museu do Ar, 11 November 2011
591 Hawker Hurricane (replica)
5441 FIAT G.91R3
5319 NA F-86 Sabre
2601 Northrop T-38A
15508 LTV A-7P Corsair II
3564 Auster D.5/160
111 DH82 Tiger Moth
1376 DHC1 Chipmunk
17 Fairey IIID (replica)
Farman MF.40 (replica)
129 Grumman G.44 Widgeon
CS-AXA Jodel J.9 Bebe
1517 NA Harvard IIA
Oliveira Nikus Miniplane
3212 Piper Cub
13709 Reims FTB-337G
CS-PAE Schneider Grunnau Baby IIB
9216 SE.3130 Alouette II
SE.3160 Alouette III (composite/instructional airframe)
Hangar 15 (DGMFA)
2419 Cessna T-37C
‘5801’ DH100 Vampire FB.9 exSAAF
3487 Dornier Do27
15503 LTV A-7P Corsair II (cockpit section)
1635 NA T-6G Aero Fénix
‘1737’ NA T-6G (rebuilt with parts of 1546)
1769 NA T-6G
3218 Piper Cub
A-13 SE.3130 Alouette II exBelgian Army
“Portugal” Varela Cid Hidroplane
… other aircrafts/parts were noted but not confirmed …
Thanks to: Mr. Kenneth Tomsett, Luís Rosa, Pedro Aragão, SMOR Pacheco, and The Walkarounds Team.