This year’s edition took place a Base Aérea nº1 Sintra, organized by the museological association Aero Fénix, with the support and cooperation of the Força Aérea Portuguesa.
The aim of this aeronautical event was, as in previous editions, the divulgation to the public the existing aviation museums in Portugal, showing their work but also their need for funds, via sponsors, for their individual and collective projects, therefore this edition had a small fee for each visitor, thus the amount collected, returned for both the Museu do Ar and the Aero Fénix.
Museu do Ar – indoors displayed aircraft
2504 Beech AT-11
CS-AZI Beechcraft F.33 Bonanza
9T-MSS Boeing 707 (front fuselage + engine)
102 DH82 Tiger Moth
CR-AAC DH87B Hornet Moth
2307 DH89A Dragon Rapide
1305 DHC1 Chipmunk Mk.20
15209 Dornier Alphajet A Asas de Portugal c/s
5454 Fiat G.91R/3 Tiger c/s
5445 Fiat G.91R/3 75.000HV c/s
1202 Fournier RF-10
6304 Junkers Ju52 3mg3/e
1916 Lockheed RT-33A
1923 Lockheed T-33A
CS-TLA Lokheed Super Constelation (front fuselage / simulator)
'6403' Nord Noratlas
1517 NA Harvard II A
Santos Dummond 14bis replica
Santos Dummond XX Demoiselle (replica)
PE-1 Schulgleiter Grunnau 38
9217 SE.3130 Alouette II
19372 SE.3160 Alouette III “Helizangão” c/s
19512 SA-330 Puma
‘9201’ Sikorsky H-19
‘ML255/MR-Z’ Supermarine 361 Spitfire HF.IXC
Caravelle (simulator)
A-7P simulator
T-33 simulator
Museu do Ar – outdoors displayed aircraft
16508 C-212 Esq401 tail mks
16524 C-212 MAD boom
2430 Cessna T-37C (displayed by the road leading to the base)
6157 Douglas C-47A (wingless)
4711 Lockheed P-2V-5 Neptune
14806 Lockheed P-3P
1926 Lockheed T-33A
3304 MH1521M Broussard
‘5320’ NA F-86F Sabre (fuselage of 5338)
5361 NA F-86F Sabre
2605 Northrop T-38A
15550 LTV TA-7P
Aircraft on operational area (aircraft noted with @ participated with flight displays).
‘3357’ Dornier Do27 A-3 of Museu do Ar
CS-ACH Piper PA18-95
CS-AIA Piper PA-18-135 Super Cub of Low Level
CS-AJC Champion Citabria 7ECA
CS-ALA Piper PA-22-108 Colt of Aero Club da Costa Verde
CS-ALB Neiva Paulistinha 56 C-1 of Aero Club de Braga
CS-ALP Piper PA-22-100 Colt of Aero Fénix
CS-AQN Piper PA-22-135 Super Cub of Aero Clube de Leiria @
CS-AZX De Havilland DHC-1 Chipmunk T Mk.20 of Aero Fénix @
CS-HAV Hughes 269C @
CS-UKO Eipper Quick Silver MXL II of Associação Portuguesa de Aviação Ultraleve @
D-ELMP Aviat Husky A1
D-EXUG Extra 300L of Aerobática @
EC-DAL Bucker 131 Jungmann of Fundación Aérea de la Comunidad Valenciana @
EC-YUK Taylorcraft BC-12B Twosome
F-AZKM NA OV-10B Bronco of Musée European de l’Aviation de Chasse @
G-IIIE Pitts S-2B Special of Red Wings
N4122N Cessna 140 of Aero Fénix @
N62TS Boeing A75N1 Stearman of Aero Fénix @
RA-3420K Yakolvlev Yak-52 of Smoke Wings @
RA-3466K Yakolvlev Yak-52 of Smoke Wings @
Also on static display was,
HB-OER Piper L-4J Grasshopper of Jerôme and Françoise Chevalley
Other aircraft noted on the base were,
2424 Cessna T-37C FAP Asas de Portugal c/s (on road leading to the base)
2604 Northrop T-38A Talon FAP (monument in the Air Force Academy groundings)
5457 Fiat G.91R/3 FAP (monument in the Air Force Academy groundings)
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